Challenge Your Brain! Think how to control 2 hands action
Basically you need to control the comet, and keep it flying on the track.
Look easy, but the comet will continue speed up. It is not easy!
Specially on two hands mode, you may crash immediately.
Remember, this game is challenging your brain.
碰毁彗星 - 虐心游戏
玩"一个都不能死", 你只需要反应快, 不用思考. 但现在你随了要反应快, 你还要判断"左", "中", "右"三个方向, 手脑不协调, 玩单轨已很难玩.
如你挑战双手一心二用模式更难上加难, 左眼右眼左手右手, 快速运转, 能坚持几十秒也是很不错了.
碰毀彗星 - 虐心遊戲
玩"一個都不能死", 你只需要反應快, 不用思考. 但現在你隨了要反應快, 你還要判斷"左", "中", "右"三個方向, 手腦不協調, 玩單軌已很難玩. 曲折飛行 - 超虐心遊戲
如你挑戰雙手一心二用模式更難上加難, 左眼右眼左手右手, 快速運轉, 能堅持幾十秒也是很不錯了.
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Available on iOS, macOS, Google Play
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