Thursday, January 23, 2020

myDream Universe

myDream Universe - Freely build your dream planet

myDream Universe is a sandbox space simulation game. You can make your own dream galaxy any time, any way.

Start from a small asteroid absorbing other asteroids to form a solar system.

Roaming sandbox universe and discover wandering planets or solars, your solar system can earn GP and mass. GP is important to build your system. It is very easy to earn, simply roaming the universe and near other planets you will receive a GP.

Mass is everything in the universe. Biggest mass planet alway can destroy other smaller mass planets. So, find smaller mass planets and absorb them, and away from heavy mass planet is the survival rule in the universe.

Also mass is available on everywhere, roaming the universe. It is easy to find asteroids, absorb them to develop your planets.

This game is mainly focus on develop and growth the solar system. Absorbing mass is slow and long term. Once your sun has enough mass, it can be transform to neutron star or blackhole.

In order to let you freely build your dream solar system, we provide a 100 save area. So you can build up to 100 different solar system.

Grow you solar, enjoy to build the galaxy.

Discover Sandbox Planets, create your own solar system, galaxy, universe, space

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我的梦幻宇宙 - 轻松上手模拟星际沙盒创造星球人气单机游戏

我的梦幻宇宙 (myDream Universe) 是一个沙盒太空模拟游戏。







有人评论这是个大鱼吃小鱼游戏,又说像大阳系2。大鱼吃小鱼只是拿游戏点数的过程, 制作不同星系才是这游戏的重点。你可自由制作不同的行星、恒星,增加卫星、光环,放置在不同的轨道上。

游戏的重点 : 自由制作不同星系,发挥你的想像空间。所以游戏设有100个保存点,你可以制作100个不同星系。

Android :
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iOS :
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我的夢幻宇宙 - 輕鬆上手模擬星際沙盒創造星球人氣單機遊戲

我的夢幻宇宙 (myDream Universe) 是一個沙盒太空模擬遊戲。


漫遊沙盒宇宙並發現流浪的行星或星系,您的星系便可以獲得神點(GP)和質量。 神點對於構建星系系統非常重要。賺取神點很容易,只需漫遊宇宙,在接近其他星球就可以獲得神點。





有人評論這是個大魚吃小魚遊戲,又說像大陽系2。 大魚吃小魚只是拿遊戲點數的過程,  製作不同星系才是這遊戲的重點。你可自由製作不同的行星、恆星,增加衛星、光環,放置在不同的軌道上。

遊戲的重點 : 自由製作不同星系,發揮你的想像空間。所以遊戲設有100個保存點,你可以製作100個不同星系。

Android :
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iOS :
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